Tbpgr Blog

Employee Experience Engineer tbpgr(てぃーびー) のブログ

書籍 Refactoring to Patterns | Patterns | Refactoring to,towards,and away from Patterns


書籍 Refactoring to Patterns
Refactoring to,towards,and away from Patterns


Refactoring to,towards,and away from Patternsについて



Pattern To Towards Away
Adapter Extract Adapter
Unify Interfaces with Adapter
Unify Interfaces with Adapter ***
Builder Encapsulate Composite with Builder *** ***
Collecting Patterns Move Accumulation to
Collecting Parameter
*** ***
Command Replace Conditional Dispatcher with
Replace Conditional Dispatcher with Command ***
Composed Method Compose Method *** ***
Composite Replace One/Many
Distinctions with Composite
/Extract Composite
Replace Impact Tree with Composite
*** Encapsulate Composite with Builder
Creation Method Replace Constructors with,Creation Method *** ***
Decorator Move Embellishment to
Move Embellishment to
Factory Move Creation
Kowledge to
Encapsulate Class
with Factory
*** ***
Factory Method Introduce Polymorphic Creation with Factory *** ***
Interpreter Replace Implicit Language with Interpreter *** ***
Iterator *** *** Move Accumulation to Visitor
Null Object Introduce Null Object *** ***
Observer Replace Hard-Coded
Notifications with Observer
Replace Hard-Coded Notifications with Observer ***
Singleton Limit Instantiation with Singleton *** Inline Singleton
State Replace State-Altering Conditionals with Logic with State Replace State-Altering Conditional Logic with State ***
Strategy Replace Conditional Logic with Strategy Replace Conditional Logic with Strategy ***
Template Method Form Template_Method *** ***
Visitor Move Accumulation to Visitor Move Accumulation to Visitor ***